Mr. Mom

And we're back. Hey so I've decided that I'm going to revive this blog and make it about my struggles with depression and mental...

Monday, November 30, 2020

Depression Is A B*TCH!: Part 2

 OK, so that's better... Where was I good things, good things... Well yes so I did get a couple of good things from being locked in the house for 6 months. I got a second daughter and developed a love for BBQ and feeding people. I also turned out to be pretty good at it, still hate cleaning up from it, but that usually can be fixed by a couple of hits from the energy fairy (sativa) and blasting music. Usually, unless the darkness peaks his head out from under the covers (yeah I mean depression). 

Great Facebook Marketplace Buy!

But, as you can see from my earlier video ramblings mid pandemic, I really wasn't cut out for being in front of the camera.  I am better with my words, when I am not actually saying them. So I think we'll take a break from that for a while. No need for you to suffer right along with me. 

So where do we go from here? Right, right I'm trying to be positive and not be a grinch. Unfortunately the weather is starting to turn, so my BBQing days are numbered. I'm also sad and not ashamed to say that my unemployment is coming to an end, which partially paid for my daily rate on my car. It's a really long story and I don't want to get into that, I'm trying to be positive here. See there it goes again...

OK, positive, positive. So, I started this post after relaxing and listening to some music and smoking a bowl of Lime Skunk. So that I could write a positive post and that is what I am going to do. 

The other good thing that happened during the pandemic is that I got another daughter, who has brought so much excitement to our household. She is a little bit older then my 
actual daughter, so she brought the driving and car thing much faster than I was ready for. I did quickly learn that having a teenager in the house with her own car has its advantages. The number of errands I have to run has dropped dramatically. The best part is I get to experience Christmas for the first time. As a Jew this is very exciting. I've never had a Christmas tree in my house. Growing up I would go to my parents friends house to help decorate their tree, but I always felt like it wasn't fair that they got to celebrate both. Sure we did Chanukah decorations over the years for my kids so they did't feel left out, but it was never to the level of the neighborhood. Well, not anymore!! Hahaha, we reached out to our neighbors on our Facebook page and people stepped up and helped us decorate the outside (I'm addicted and adding more, stay tuned for more pics).

The best part is I got to spend Saturday night with my family decorating our family Christmas tree. My son's girlfriend came over and we had a great time being silly and learning how to decorate a tree. Oh, oh, and we even went to the tree lot and picked a big tree. I had to convince the family to go with the smaller tree and even that is a little big. But it is "fat and fluffy", so it fits me perfectly, apparently. So, good things right? Enjoy the pics and Happy Holidays! 

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