Mr. Mom

And we're back. Hey so I've decided that I'm going to revive this blog and make it about my struggles with depression and mental...

Thursday, December 31, 2020

It's Gotta Get Better Right?

 Hey, so I couldn't let this horrific year end without doing a last post. But it's not going to the type of post you are expecting. Although every thing in me is screaming to exploded, I want to go into the new year on a positive note. I can use all the positive vibes (we all can use the positive vibes). So this post isn't going to be complaining about anything or ranting and raving. This post is going to be about accomplishments and learning.

So I had another follow up with the mental health laison. Who confirmed with me that I seem to be getting grasp on when I'm about to have an explosion. Of course she was a little worried about how low I sank Christmas Eve, but we both agreed that the medicine is still new, so it takes time for it to fully kick in. I did notice that in that past it would have taken me much longer to recover from such a low point. I mean we are talking days and days. So maybe the additional meds help me bounce back much quicker.

I still know that I need to speak to someone on a more regular basis, but you know how the world kind of shuts down during the holidays. Maybe more so this year as people are just pushed to their limits. I also know that I still need methods to release the frustration and/or anger. Obviously writing has become somewhat of an outlet. Unfortunately I never know when I am going to have something to say. I'm not trying to make it sound like I have some kind of super power, as not many people have ever read my ramblings (I do hope to change that). I've always had the talent to write, just never found the right mentor. 

I'm starting to wonder if that is why I am having trouble trying to figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life. Deep down, I've always wanted to write, but I've never fit into any specific genre. My training is in Journalism, but I barely graduated and only took that major because I was advised by an Associate Producer of the morning show I worked for while in college. Funny how things change in college. Started Pre-Law, then changed to Journalism, but really wanted to work in radio. So much so that I worked at WMMR for free (not even college credit) for 2 years. I used to have to arrive at the station at 5 AM, 3 days a week. It was AWESOME!!!!!!  So by nature I am a creative person with a creative brain, with no real method.

2020, sucked!!!! So that brings us to 2021. I hope you all have a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2021. I hope you come back and stay with me on this journey. Until next year....

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