Mr. Mom

And we're back. Hey so I've decided that I'm going to revive this blog and make it about my struggles with depression and mental...

Sunday, December 20, 2020

I'm OK

 Was blogging alot, but it stopped. Hope it wasn’t because I found another outlet. Either way, I guess I felt like I had something to say. First I want to start with bragging on my super hero. This woman while working 50-60 hours a week (I know I’ve said that a lot) and still managed to achieve Valedictorian. To me that is just fricken amazing. 

You see what my former friend and fraternity brother (yes I’ve dropped another one) doesn’t understand is I am ok with being the support personnel. I don’t need to be the big bread winner. Calm me lazy and undriven? That’s ok. My ego doesn’t need that kind of fluffing, I guess his does. My wife could accomplish some amazing things if given the chance and if me holding down the fort at home allows her the peace of mind to do that, then the world benefits. Nothing wrong with that. Did I lose my job because of the pandemic? Yes, and because of my health both mental and physical I am afraid to go back to work. I am not ashamed to have been collecting unemployment since March, because I lost my job through no fault of my own. My businesses and I have paid more into the system over the years then I have taken. Besides it’s not like I’m replacing my income. With I was driving Uber and Lyft I was making between $800 and $1000 a week after expenses. On unemployment I’m getting $195 a week. So there’s that...

More importantly my wife and I are ok with the arrangement we have and that is all that matters. My amazing wife is giving me the opportunity to figure out what my true passions are. She is also allowing me the time to get well. In the past I’ve let a lot of people down. I don’t plan on making the same mistakes. In my new role at hero support I will not fail.

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