Mr. Mom

And we're back. Hey so I've decided that I'm going to revive this blog and make it about my struggles with depression and mental...

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Rough Night

 So I guess before we go any further I should probably tell you about what I think was the final push that opened the flood gates on having something to say. And yet today the words are not flowing so easily, so please bare with me. Yesterday really did a number on me, had another explosion before bed. I don't know why it bothers me so much that my teenagers living here are so inconsiderate? Super hero wife (who only has a week and a half left in school before obtaining her bachelors degree and finishing 1st or 2nd in her class, all while working 50-60 hours a week, sorry for the run on sentence) even said to me last night that I shouldn't. My reply? "I can't help it and I don't know why?"

On the positive side I woke up this morning to a very sweet text from one of my daughters. Letting me know that she reads my blog and she is proud of me. Love you P! Thank you!

OK, back to the original point of this post, Country Ever After a show on Netflix.

Now, if you known me lately then you know I have been into Country music that last 5-6 years. I've talked extensively about wanting to move somewhere I have lots of land around me. Really getting sick of people, hence the Anxiety I feel when I have to leave the house. I know there is a lot of that going on out there. Honk if ya here me?!?!? 

Anyway, if you are like me and have lots of time on your hands and are looking for a really feel good, funny kinda show, take a look at this one. It's about Coffey Anderson his wife, Criscilla and their family. On season one they talk about her battle with stage 3 colon cancer and his independent music career. I don't know what it was, but something just connected me with the show. I felt really good when watching it and always had a smile on my face.

I was kind of bummed out when we finished watching the show (in like 3 or 4 days). But was very happy to see that by the end she was officially in remission. My super hero wife being a two time cervical cancer survivor I know that euphoric feeling of being told you are cancer free. I'll never forget that day, it was both a happy and sad days for the Janoff's. On one hand we were told that she was cancer free, but on the other hand we were told that it would be nearly impossible for us to have anymore children. Fortunately, we learned the G-d had other plans, right P?

Unfortunately I have learned that Criscilla cancer has returned a month after the show last filmed. Granted, I know that some time had passed since the show last filmed and when in November the cencer remerged. So, as you can see when I like something I dive into it. I've discovered I liked the dude's music even though I could do with out the Jesus stuff. However in my never ending quest to better myself and in light of the massive intolerance that is going on in our country right now, I've decided that I have to be more accepting of others religious beliefs. What I do know is that the love they have for each other, their family, friends and fans is incredible and it is something that the world needs much more of. So thank you Coffey Anderson for sharing you life with me. You help an east coast jewish city boy more then you will ever know.

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