Mr. Mom

And we're back. Hey so I've decided that I'm going to revive this blog and make it about my struggles with depression and mental...

Friday, December 4, 2020

Taming The Explosions

 So I’m starting this post the night before, because my super hero wife just threw something at me that I have to take some time to digest, literally. So back in September, the wife and I decided to take back our health. For a while it worked, During the month of September I lost 15 pounds, October I gained back 2 pounds. I gave up in November.

If I remember correctly September and October were largely explosion free months.  As I have mentioned before for some reason the holiday's is always a tough time for me. Not sure why, it's not like I have some major event that scarred me. For some reason the last 10 years or so, from November on, the holiday's have always gotten really dark for me. Obviously this year is exacerbated by the current state of our country and world.

So the question I have, is the the more easily provoked explosions this caused by the change in my eating? Or is it just that as the main stream media and all medical professionals have been saying "we are in for a dark winter", some obviously darker than others. So if I think back to August 31st, 2020 I weighed in at 292 lbs. which in and of itself is pretty impressive considering when lockdown started in March I was over 300 lbs. In fact I just looked at my app and on June 19th, 2020 I weighed in at 299.4 lbs.

End of September 282 lbs., end of October 280 lbs. and frustration is setting in. The Halloween happens, and I have no will power so of course I sit and eat piece after piece of candy. See the pattern developing? Anyway, so what do I do with this new information is the question. I'm going to be realistic and make adjustments where I can, limit the high carb beer like I did in September. Find ways again to make food I like healthy. After all StooBBQ did start out as a KETO BBQ site where I was "sharing my journey", boy did that take a turn.

Maybe how I eat does affect my mood. The last couple of days have really been a struggle for me. Anger reaching unhealthy levels over absolutely non earth shattering things. All though I will say that today I prevented an explosion, so I'm learning to sense when they are coming, so today instead of exploding, I quickly put my mind on a task that I had yet to finish today and by the time I was done I had calmed down. No explosion, only tightness in the chest to show from this one. So I guess that's good?

Oh and for the record today's weight is: ???

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